Many people have probably felt thirsty during or after exercise, to the point where they immediately reach for a bottle of water to drink. Meanwhile, some people endure being thirsty and wait to drink it right after they finish exercising. But did you know that different water-drinking habits can have more effects on your body than we think?

Drinking too much water can dilute the sodium in the body, resulting in shock or hyponatremia, which is life-threatening. Drinking too little water can also reduce exercise efficiency and cause dehydration, leading to cramps. So how should we drink water while exercising to be most appropriate and beneficial to the body? And what effect does water have on exercise?
An easy way to check if we drink enough water is to observe the color of our urine. If the urine color is dark, it means that our body is dehydrated. However, if we also take supplements such as vitamin C, vitamin B, Promotion ufabet, it will also change the color of our urine.
Drinking water is very important when exercising because drinking the right amount of water will allow us to exercise to our full potential. If our body starts to lack water, we will feel more tired than we really are.
Therefore, we should start preparing ourselves by drinking water before exercising so that our bodies can gradually absorb water. Because if we drink a lot of water before exercising, we may feel bloated.
We will divide water drinking into 4 periods as follows:
- 2-3 hours before exercising, you should drink 500-600 ml of water.
- 30 minutes before exercise, you should drink 200-300 ml of water.
- During exercise, you should drink 200-300 ml of water every 10-20 minutes
- (if you exercise for no more than 30 minutes, you can drink water after you finish exercising. However, if you exercise for longer than this, you should sip water continuously to prevent your body from becoming dehydrated for a long time).
- After exercising, you should drink 1-1.5 liters of water per kilogram of body weight lost. (It would be better if we weigh ourselves before and after exercising so that we know how much water our body has lost so that we can drink enough to replace it.)
Whether it is drinking too much water or dehydration while exercising, it all has negative effects on the body. Sometimes, exercise supervisors, such as trainers, coaches, and instructors, do not allow drinking water while exercising, citing the need to train the body and endurance. This is a very wrong belief. If you still believe this, please erase it. It is best to always prepare drinking water before exercising. If you feel thirsty, you can grab it and drink it as needed. Because our bodies are the ones who tell us to drink water. If we don’t believe our bodies, who else will we believe?